The population of the United States is approximately 342 million as of 2024.   Despite what pundits, media talking heads, Newspaper editors, washed-up Hollywood celebrity actors -- who, laughingly, believe themselves to be some kind of enlightened Intellectuals -- activists and race-baiters want you to believe;  the vast majority of Americans, even in Deep Blue States are conservative in their everyday lives and love this country -- as do most immigrants, legal or illegal.  Otherwise, they wouldn't be here! 

The remaining 1 percent of extreme dissidents are going to be unhappy with America,  American values and Americans in general -- no matter what.  So who cares?  I sure as hell don't!

Recognizing this reality I want to reach out to a wider spectrum of Americans than ex-President Trump's 100 million-plus staunchest supporters.  I want to connect with ALL the nearly 340 million of us who love America, respect American values and are proud to be Americans.  I also want to hear from every one of you INDIVIDUALLY; not 340 million COLLECTIVELY.  I want YOUR input here; not mine.  I'm just the guy who got the ball rolling and laid the groundwork for an interactive America First!-themed website.  I'm only the messenger;  YOUR uploaded media and comments are the message!

"" is a homage to the spirit of America;  In brief, an extensive and diverse library of candid videos, photos and much more;  portraying everyday America.  We welcome YOUR suggestions for new categories, videos, photos, stories (?), cartoons (?), jokes (?), music (?), parody (?) and whatever. (?)

The m4v and mp4 videos, and plain text formats allow hassle-free downloading of any and all media directly to your computer, cellphone, tablets and other mobile devices.  


I didn't want to ruin the viewing experience by diluting the media content with endless, distracting ads and their privacy-invading marketing cookies.  Therefore, I'm publishing the entire website ad-free.  Visitors can view all published content, but only registered paid-subscription/members are allowed to upload THEIR content. 


Subscriptions are $5/month or $50/year -- only about 15 cents a day;  certainly a very modest amount to express YOUR visions of everyday Americana!  If you're unsure about investing in a new unproven website, give us a try for a month.  If you don't like it, we'll give you a second month free.  What have you got to lose?  Only $5.  YOUR upload might be the one that determines the direction of America!  If you change you mind later we'll welcome you! 


If you're one of the 340 million Americans to whom I'm paying tribute, you'll be excited about uploading YOUR comments to the America's Cracker Barrel discussion forum:   A forum of, by and for Americans who love their Country!  When you subscribe, you become a registered member of a select group of Americans who address EVERYDAY  issues that concern us all.   YOUR voice is welcome here on YOUR website!



One last point.   


Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your membership.  So, let's work together to repair and




Dave S.